How do I find systems when using System Search & Submittal Builder?

In this article we'll use the System Properties in System Search & Submittal Builder to filter through our library of tested and listed firestop systems.

System Search & Submittal Builder helps you filter through our library of third-party tested firestop systems and find systems that are applicable to your design or field conditions.System Properties Window

The System Properties window allows you to select features or criteria of the condition that you are addressing and applies them as filters to our library of tested designs. As you make selections you will see your selectable options update to only reflect tested designs that incorporate all features that you have selected. You will also see listings populate on the right hand side of your screen that match the selections that you have made.

As you continue to make selections you will see the overall number of systems reduce. By default, systems shown will display the System Number, a brief Description of the system, a link to the PDF copy of the listing, as well as a red silhouette of a persons head. Each silhouette represents how popular that system is with systems listed in order or most to least popular.

System Search is designed to only give you selectable options that will produce a suitable tested design. If you are not able to find a system that exactly matches the condition you are trying to address then please feel free to reach out to our Engineering Services Team via the button at the top of the page or using our site wide chat system. 

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If you already know the system number that you are looking for you can enter it in the "Search System Number" field in the top of the page to take you directly to that listing.