How do I create a Team in Firestop Locator?

In this article we will walk through the steps involved in setting up a Team in FSL

Teams in Firestop Locator are how you manage people working on your project, assign individual team members roles, and provide access to Projects you are working on. From your Firestop Locator Dashboard click the blue "+Add Team" button.

FSL Add Team Button 

The Create a Team window will appear asking you to name your team as well as list the roles that each member of your team can have and what the role allows them to do. Each role is listed below along with their functionality.

  • Team Owner: The team owner can manage the subscription, create, update, and delete team details, team members, documents, projects, buildings, floors, items, inspections, images, custom item types, and custom fields.
  • Team Administrator: A team administrator can create, update, and delete team members, documents, projects, buildings, floors, items, inspections, images, custom item types, and custom fields.
  • Team Member: A team member can create, update, and delete items and item images.
  • Team Extended Member: A team extended member has the same permissions as a team member and can also add new inspections.
  • Team Viewer: A team viewer only has viewing permissions and cannot create, update, or delete any data.
  • Team Inspector: A team inspector can only add new inspections.

Typically, people installing firestop products and documenting their work will have the role of "Team Member" with architects, engineers, consultants, or other trades you are collaborating with given the role of "Team Viewer".   

From this window you can also start to add people to your team with their e-mail. You do not need to add everyone to your team at this time, you can add and remove people from your team at any point from the View Team Page. When you are done naming and adding team members click the green Create Team button at the bottom of the window. This will refresh the page and now you will see your new Team listed in the Teams section of your dashboard.
FSL Team Dashboard

Now that you have your team created you can make changes to members of your team, update permissions, and see who has and has not accepted their invitation by click the View button. This is also where you can delete your team or transfer ownership of your team to another person.