Submittals made with System Search & Submittal Builder are fully customizable for users with an AccessSTI Account

System Search & Submittal Builder allows for the creation of Firestop Submittals to use for submitting proposed solutions for firestopping conditions that are expected to be encountered on a construction project.
The guest experience allows you to create a submittal without creating or logging into an AccessSTI account. In this mode you are able to add or remove systems from a submittal but are not able to include supplemental documentation such as Product Data Sheets, Safety Data Sheets, or others approvals. These submittals are also not stored on our servers, once you navigate away from the page you will lose any work and will need to remake the submittal from scratch.
Users with an AccessSTI account are given greater control of the content of their submittals, including customer cover pages, table of contents, inclusions or remove of Product and Safety Data Sheets, supplemental approval documentation, as well as the ability to attach Engineering Judgments/Technical Evaluations and their own uploaded documents. Submittals made by logged in AccessSTI user are also saved to that users account and can be edited or copied for reuse on future projects.